Album Tracks
- 1. This Is My Night (6:11)
Extended Version
- 2. Caught In The Act (3:47)
Track Info
Original version available on the album I Feel For You
Remix version also available on the album Perfect Fit
Album Info
“This Is My Night”
produced by Arif Mardin
Arrangement: David Frank
Editing & special effects: Arif Mardin, Lew Hahn, Michael O’Reilly
Assistant engineer: Michael O’Reilly
Recorded and mixed: Lew Hahn
“Caught In The Act”
Produced by Arif Mardin, Joe Mardin
Arranged by Joe Mardin
Recorded and mixed by Phil Bulla, Michael O’Reilly, Bill Dooley, Joe Mardin
Photography: Waring Abbott